Celia Hart's blog about what's going on in and around her studio.
Art, printmaking, inspirations, gardening, vegetables, hens, landscapes, wild flowers, East Anglia, adventure, travel.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

PPP5-live Newt Safari

I've just come back into the studio after filming newts! Yes I managed to get some shots of the male newts in the shallow end of the Dragonfly Pond. I did spot one female but she didn't swim in reach of my torch beam, so I couldn't film her. It's good to know there's a healthy population of Common or Smooth Newts in our garden.

While I was filming I notice a strange little twiggy cluster walking across the bottom  of the pond! I then realised it was a caddis larvae in its artfully constructed mobile home - you read more about them here.

The video is taking a while to download from my iPhone, but I'll have it posted here as soon as I can . .  . it's here at last!

In the meantime, if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, pop outside tonight and glance over to the western sky quite low down and you'll see Jupiter and Venus shining brightly side by side in the night sky.

Oh, I've just noticed that Fiona has written her on account of our afternoon, it's over on Cottage Smallholder, here.



  1. Might be a tad tricky here, with this monsoonal rain obscuring everything!My rose will be getting an early hair-cut!

  2. Ok, am heading outside for a look...

  3. What a fun day you've had! Sorry to have missed most of it.

  4. Celia, what a star producer and filmer you are. This fifth anniversary is unlike anything I've ever seen before.

    Thank you so much for all your generosity of spirit, time, talent and ... sense of fun.


  5. Well there you go. I never knew what a newt was till now. A few months a go the children and I went to help out at consrvation park and got to see lots of water bugs. It was very interesting.

  6. Thank you for calling in, I hope that those of you in the UK saw the planets in conjunction (they'll be nearly as good tonight if it's clear)

    And Jason - it's a pleasure in introduce you to our newts :-)


  7. So glad you got to film them - I'm now determined to try and introduce some to my pond!
    Thanks for a wonderful afternoon - such fun, and I'll be enjoying the cake later too :-)

  8. We used to go looking for newts when we were kids, always thought they were amazing

  9. I missed all this! Congratulations on your 5th anniversary. I am impressed with your high techery!


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