Celia Hart's blog about what's going on in and around her studio.
Art, printmaking, inspirations, gardening, vegetables, hens, landscapes, wild flowers, East Anglia, adventure, travel.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

My blog is 10 years old!

I've never kept a traditional written diary (except for holiday journals) but somehow I've kept this blog going for 10 whole years!

My first blog post shows the amazing tidy and sunny vegetable garden 

the vegetable plot, March 2007

. . . and here's the same view today
Looks like I need to do some weeding! The main change has been the Pigeon Proof Pen which keeps the Purple Podded Peas and brassicas safe!

Inside the wall the garden is looking Spring-like and much neater, with lots of daffodils in flower and yesterday Cliff cut the lawn for the first time this year.
Our cockerel, Mr Cheep is now 5 and a half years old, here he is supervising Ivy pecking grass (Ivy, our youngest of the surviving 3 hens, needs no supervision ... she has one spur and occasionally tries to crow! she also lays beautiful brown eggs).

The other hens are Saffron, who is Mr Cheep's biological mum, seen here paddling in the pond ... of course, under supervision!

And finally Nutmeg, who is the same age as Saffron. She was in the nest box preparing to lay one of her lovely blue eggs ... yes, Mr Cheep popped up into the hen-house to supervise!

In the view of the walled garden above, you can also see the Ginger Studio Assistant strolling across the lawn. He and is Tabby sister were very young apprentice assistants when this blog started. She prefers to walk on the wild side!

This blog charts the past ten years of working in my studio, I've found it a useful way to record work in progress and the different things I've done and places I've visited.

I've decided to keep blogging from time to time, but electronic communication methods change rapidly these days, and I'm finding Instagram (which didn't exist when I started blogging, Instagram is only 6 years old) fits easier with busy times ... you can find me on Instagram here, where I'm posting my photos of my Lent sketchbook, Meditations on the Colour of Trees. You can also find me on Twitter.

Thank you for visiting, I know some of you have been following from the  start. And welcome to new visitors who have just stumbled into the Purple Podded Peas blog.

To celebrate, here's a discount code 
to get 10% off anything 
valid until midnight on 31 March 2017

A whole decade of my life, recorded in a blog! Who'd have thought?!

I wonder where we'll all be in 10 years form now?



  1. Congratulations Celia - like me, you have made the grand old age of 10 in blogland - and perhaps like me you are wondering where on earth have all those years gone! It's nice to look back isn't it - using our blogs as our journals? I often can't recall a 'where or when' so immediately pull up the blog to refresh my memory!
    I love reading your posts always - although time restraints may mean no comment - your work is so beautiful, and I love seeing what my homeland's countryside is looking like - your art helps with that.

    Celebrate in style - and hopefully you are busy creating lovely Spring country views. Even your garden and chickens are fun - didn't know cats got along with chickens, haha!

    Best wishes, Mary

  2. Happy blog birthday! I remember celebrating 5 years with you and Fiona, where does time go?

  3. Happy birthday, PPP! Idle Thoughts is a little older and not nearly as prolific, but still alive.Well, more "resting" than "doing"
    I shall raise a glass to you and your endeavours.

  4. I haven't been reading since day one but pretty sure I found you during that first year which was also my first year of blogging too. I really like the immediacy of Instagram but still like the time of reflection it takes to write a blog post. And I'm still not a Twitter convert. I can't keep up with all those conversations!

  5. Congrats on 10 years :) the garden still looks fabulous and much more mature these days. I am not a big fan of twitter and have not ventured into Instagram territory yet - I may have to give it a whirl if all the PPP news is moving there!

  6. Hello again, Celia! Congratulations on 10yrs blogging :-) I past the 10yr mark last November and I bet like me you never expected to last this long (albeit not as regularly as in the early days). This is my first blog browse and comment for 2017 and so glad I spotted this (a photobook credit gift has kept me otherwise PC occupied - time finally expired last night, Phew!). Wishing you a great New Year enjoying blogging, Instagram, Twitter, your hens, gardening and walking! Congratulations too on your regular magazine illustrations - I do love seeing your work :-)

  7. Ten years, that's definitely cause for celebration! Goes by in a flash, doesn't it...

  8. I think I've been here for most of those ten years Celia, not brave enough to comment in the earlier days but always enjoying your words. I use to love the round up from your wonderful holidays, stories of great auction finds and all those fantastic historical details you'd come up with about places. Your walks have always made me wonder at the variations in landscape from your side of the country to mine. Such a small country, such big differences and wonderful blog posts all! I'm almost converted to joining Instagram and know I love looking at yours and other people's accounts for the glorious photos, but it's good to read a good old blog post occasionally too! Here's to a few more years.

  9. Gosh, what staying power! I am uncertain as to when I started to read your writing but I think it was quite close to the start as was Gina's. It has been a lovely look back and I hope you continue even if sporadically. I must start to follow you in IG if I have not, already!

  10. Well done you :-)
    And like you, the onset of Instagram (which I still have mixed feelings about) has somewhat taken over the role of 'showing and telling' although I do like the more sedate, solid and permanent pace of a blog.

  11. Congratulations on your tenth blogaversary!
    I need a few more years to catch up.
    What I enjoy most are your back stories to the monthly magazine illustrations.

  12. And a happy 10th blogiversary to you! What a beautiful garden you have. I'm hoping to start blogging again with an April 1st post.... xx Matron

  13. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary. Your hens are so beautiful. I'm looking at some black rocks for my orchard. It's the first time since I was 5 that I have been without hens in the garden. I miss them terribly. The pottingshed seems empty too. All the best. Karen


I love reading all the comments (except for spam and advertising which I will delete) and I'll reply here in the comments under each blog post, it may take a few days if I'm busy.
You don't need to have a blog to leave a comment, you can select the name/URL option and fill in just your name instead of a blog link.