It's the spring bank holiday weekend and rain was forecast so yesterday I quickly took lots of photos of the garden before it's turned into a bedraggled mess. The hens accompanied me like home-counties ladies critically inspecting the blooms at the Chelsea Flower Show.
Well it's Sunday afternoon and for once the forecasters weren't wrong...
They're trying to make me feel guilty so they get invited in to dry off - sorry girls, you'll have to go and sit under the hen house.
I spent the afternoon cutting the block for a new print - Radio 4, cup of tea, best way to spend a few hours when the weather is like this. The linocut is of a hare leaping over the fields - a common sight around here and one that is always thrilling. Just as you spot a hare crouched in a furrow in an instant it stands up and starts to run over the field, faster and faster, flying along. You can just catch sight of the large eye, black tipped ears and long, strong legs - it's not surprising that hares are thought to be magical and mysterious animals.