summer•shorts no:06
There has been a distinct lack of pastel blue/green eggs, I haven't been able to supply friends with their regular boxes of half a dozen mixed colours and sizes – the disappointment and realisation that they would have to buy eggs that weren't quite as tasty, was visible on their faces :-(
Nutmeg Spice has been broody again and Saffron Spice has started her first moult – that would explain things wouldn't it? . . . but! wait a moment – it's the pale sage green egg that I haven't seen in the egg tray for some time. Ginger Spice! what's she been up to? I can't remember seeing her sitting in the nest box for days. When we were on holiday in May, Ginger Spice was so annoyed by Saffron and Nutmeg in their broody-mood refusing to leave the nest-box, that she laid her eggs elsewhere – I wonder? I'll just check . . .
Nutmeg Spice has been broody again and Saffron Spice has started her first moult – that would explain things wouldn't it? . . . but! wait a moment – it's the pale sage green egg that I haven't seen in the egg tray for some time. Ginger Spice! what's she been up to? I can't remember seeing her sitting in the nest box for days. When we were on holiday in May, Ginger Spice was so annoyed by Saffron and Nutmeg in their broody-mood refusing to leave the nest-box, that she laid her eggs elsewhere – I wonder? I'll just check . . .

. . . under the privet hedge in front of the patio, right against the house wall – Ginger's hoard! (sigh)