Celia Hart's blog about what's going on in and around her studio.
Art, printmaking, inspirations, gardening, vegetables, hens, landscapes, wild flowers, East Anglia, adventure, travel.

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Shopping options – Etsy and Folksy

I've recently re-opened my etsy shop with a new image and name, Magic Cochin's Emporium. I'd been concidering opening a folksy shop instead so I could price items in GB pounds, in the end I decided it would be a shame to ditch the etsy shop.

However, this morning I was tweeted (is that the correct term?) by Emma, saying she would prefer to pay in pounds. Maybe others feel the same? I had a rethink and decided that I would list all items on etsy AND folksy. At the time of listing the prices will be as near the same as I can get them, but as you known the currency exchange rates fluctuate daily; if you want to get the best possible deal you can check the GBP/US Dollar exchange rate on here.

Here are the links to Magic Cochin's two Emporia . . .

Magic Cochin's Emporium (etsy) – prices in US dollars

Magic Cochin's Emporium (folksy) – prices in GB pounds

Celia x


  1. I haven't come across Folksy before, though I have bought a couple of items through Etsy. It looks very similar, and I guess lots of people are happier paying in pounds. Going with both is a good idea.

  2. Just a thimbleful.....

    I am VERY impressed with your website and folksy shop, well done and good luck !

  3. Emporium is just such a great word!


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