Celia Hart's blog about what's going on in and around her studio.
Art, printmaking, inspirations, gardening, vegetables, hens, landscapes, wild flowers, East Anglia, adventure, travel.

Thursday 20 March 2008

Happy Easter!

A posy of spring flowers and eggs from our four hens - perfect for Easter.

I usually like to enjoy spring flowers by walking around the garden in the sunshine – this Easter weekend the forecast is for cold wind and sleet and snow! So I braved the chill wind and rain and hunted round the garden for flowers to pick for the house. This posy vase is just right for displaying tiny spring flowers, it's one of my auction buys (I love bidding at auctions) and was made by Poole Pottery in the mid-1930s. The decoration on it is by Truda Carter, who deserves to be more widely known for her vibrant designs for Poole Pottery.


  1. Happy Easter, Magic Cochin. The arrangement of spring flowers and eggs is exquisite.

  2. Such a beautiful arrangement! I envy you the eggs...mine came from a well known supermarché.
    Happy Easter!

  3. I hope you have a lovely Easter weekend. It is really nice to see a posy holder actually being used, the flowers in yours are beautiful and so colourful. I love old Poole, although these pieces command a high price these days. x

  4. That is a wonderful, evocative photograph! I bought some 'burford browns' at Waitrose yesterday, will have to do with those!

  5. Your posy vase is so pretty ... I just went to the Poole Pottery website and enjoyed my visit there.

    The hens have been busy producing those beautiful eggs.

    Happy Easter Celia!!

  6. Enjoy those Easter eggs and I hope the snow is not too troublesome over there.

  7. Happy Easter Celia!

    My girls were totally non-plussed by the snow today - what about yours? Ony one very quick easter egg hunt for me too, just one prize egg in the nestbox today.

  8. Hope you all had a good Easter (despite the weather if you're in the UK)

    CS & Toffeeapple - the posy vase rarely gets used, but it's perfect for little spring flowers.

    Louise - pre-WWII Poole is particularly vibrant. The prices peaked a couple of years ago, but I'm sure they're still a good investment - if you can find them!

    Matron - it's a privilege to have such lovely fresh eggs.

    Kate - Happy Easter - pleased you enjoyed reading about Poole Pottery.

    Threadspider - well they got the forecast right this time! It was an intersting drive across South Cambs on Sunday morning!!!!

    Hi Lucy - I've just read your blog - no wonder your girls weren't worried, they had a cosy 'sitting room' in your greenhouse ;)
    Ours sheltered by the back door then they got a bit worried as the lawn had "disappeared" under a blanket of cold white stuff!



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