Celia Hart's blog about what's going on in and around her studio.
Art, printmaking, inspirations, gardening, vegetables, hens, landscapes, wild flowers, East Anglia, adventure, travel.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Mixed border

While she was away, we decided to make some improvements to her favourite border . . .

. . . much better, don't you think? It would get a Gold at Chelsea!

The senior under-gardeners and the Spice Girls (who helped a bit)


  1. Would they like to come to my allotment to help?

  2. How lovely to have help in the garden.

  3. It seems like you had a great trip, how wonderful!

    I see you left your garden in safe hands. Lovely wisteria.

  4. You've planted those chickens too deep Celia!
    Aren't they funny? Ours seem to be trying to uproot a mature damson tree - one scratch at a time!

  5. while the cat's away .... but whatever the hens damage, the garden would be poorer without them


  6. a happy chickens chorus line!

  7. I adore chickens...and I even forgive my itinerant visitors( a small flock of Orpingtons) for the holes they make in my sunny borders,bless them. Yours look delightful!

  8. Oh how sweet! Bless them, they do look so comfortable.

    Your Wisteria is gorgeous too!

  9. Well, so far, we all say much the same. Mind you, I don't think any regular readers would dare to mention the word "axe" on this blog!
    And I STILL want chookies, despite memories of times like this.

  10. Hi Dottycookie - If you lived a bit nearer they'd be round to give you a hand - but you may regret it!

    Hi Gina - wishes can come true ;-)

    Hi Acornmoon - Yes Sweden was glorious and so is our wisteria this year!

    Hi Vegetable Heaven - LOL - very good!

    Ho Joanna - exactly! I used to have great ambitions for the garden borders, now hens rummaging in the ground elder is fine with me :-)

    Hi Petoskystone - If one does something, they all want a go!

    Hi - I've great plans for this border, but I was beaten to it!

    Hi Toffeeapple - what more could they want!

    Hi Moreidlethoughts - Mmmmm - yes. I veer from being cross with them to laughing at seeing them so industriously happy. Ho hum!



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