Yeterday Phoebe one our Marans Coucou hens laid her first egg - she must have got a bit flustered and came out of the nest box and ran to the patio - where the egg landed! A little bit dented but still intact. She's laying egg number two right now! Hopefully this time she will stay in the nest until she has finished.
In the garden it feels really like spring now - potatoes planted (International Kidney, Charlotte and Pink Fir Apple), lettuces, coriander and bunching onions planted out and more peas sown in pots (Carouby de Mausanne mange touts and Purple Podded peas).
Yesterday was proof reading day for the Cambridge Open Studios 2007 guide. A well organised event with lists and tick boxes and labels! The picture I have chosen for my guide entry, "The Winter Garden" looked very good on the proof and made me want to do some more linocuts on a similar theme.
Must check to see how things are progressing in the hen-house...
Phoebe's second egg perfectly laid in the nest - clever girl!